Appointment Procedure

You don’t need to be referred by your doctor to make an appointment for treatment. Chris is recognised by all the major health insurance companies.

At the initial session, plenty of time is allowed to listen to you regarding the history of your presenting problem.
You will be asked about your present and any relevant past medical history so as to paint a clear picture of the possible cause of the problem.
The relevant area(s) of the body will then be assessed and a clinical impression will be made and discussed with you. If more investigations are needed such as x-rays or scans then this process will also be discussed.

Treatment sessions are very often ‘hands on’ and will involve a range of manual techniques including massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation. Often the body needs to be gently encouraged to restore it’s normal range and you will be shown how to exercise safely and effectively to maintain this.
Appointments are usually available within 24-48 hours of calling. Chris is registered with all major health insurance companies. Home visits can be arranged for people who are unable to travel to the clinic

Treatment charges:
Initial Assessment: £52
Follow-up treatment: £45
Home visits: £70-£80